Why do females eat corn starch?

Why do females eat corn starch?


Why do Females Eat Corn Starch? It’s common knowledge that corn starch comes from corn, and it’s used in everything from powdered sugar to shampoo, but few people are aware of how corn starch makes its way to our plates and not everyone can answer why do females eat corn starch . As it turns out, the question isn’t as simple as it might seem at first glance; there are many contributing factors!


Corn Starch Can Help Manage Menstrual Cramps

For many women, cramps and pain during menstruation is something they’ve come to expect. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept it as part of a monthly cycle. We’re going to share a safe, effective alternative to traditional pain relief methods that can help manage these symptoms. Plus, we’ll even show you how adding in one simple ingredient can help your body heal more quickly after your period.

Corn Starch Helps with Acid Reflux

There are many reasons why women would choose to consume cornstarch. One of these is that it can help reduce acid reflux. When your body is exposed to high levels of stomach acid, it produces extra mucus which leads to a number of complications including chest pain, heartburn and nausea. Avoiding foods that promote acid production will help with issues like these, and one way to minimize your stomach’s exposure is by using liquid antacids or specific medications prescribed by your doctor.


Corn Starch Will Help Reduce Acne

Cornstarch is an effective ingredient in clearing acne due to its ability to soak up excess oil and dry out blemishes. It has been used for years as an alternative treatment for acne without harsh chemicals or expensive treatments. Simply mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with 1⁄2 teaspoon of water to form a paste and gently rub it over affected areas. Leave it on for approximately 20 minutes before rinsing with warm water. Repeat daily until blemishes subside and follow up with your normal face cream.

Corn Starch Is a Source of Energy

Cornstarch (also known as maize starch) can add a boost of energy to your diet without adding a lot of calories. Cornstarch is most often used in cooking, but it’s also an ingredient in many diet foods and commercial weight-loss products that you might buy at stores or over the Internet. It’s essentially pure glucose, which means it can be digested immediately by your body for quick energy.

The Secret Ingredient in Many Sauces, Dressings and Gravies

Many sauces, dressings and gravies taste much better with a teaspoon or two of cornstarch. The trick is to add it when you’re cooking onions, garlic and other strong-flavored vegetables so they don’t get bitter. Cornstarch absorbs liquid as it cooks, thickening your sauce in a matter of minutes. It’s also great for adding moisture and body to creamed soups.

How Much is Safe to Consume in One Day

Aim for under 3,000 milligrams of sodium daily. Most women consume more than 6,000 mg of sodium a day (the equivalent of 2 teaspoons), which far exceeds daily recommended intake and can increase blood pressure. Cutting down on salt will also help you avoid bloating and water retention — unwanted side effects of too much sodium. Your body only needs about 500 to 800 mg a day, depending on your health status.


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