Is a Mazda RX8 Considered a Sports Car for Insurance Purposes?

Is a Mazda RX8 Considered a Sports Car for Insurance Purposes?


Mazda has always had an avid fan base, and the RX8 was their first true sports car since the RX7 in the ’90s. With its rotary engine and sleek design, it’s no wonder that Mazda sold so many of these cars to their loyal customers—but what about the insurance? 


Is a Mazda RX8 considered a sports car for insurance purposes? And if so, how much can you expect to pay?

About the Mazda RX8

The Mazda RX8 is an aesthetically pleasing two-seater sports car that is also surprisingly affordable. The vehicle has an available all-wheel drive option and comes standard with 6 different transmission options. Regardless of your reason for buying this sports car, it is always a good idea to research the cost of insurance on your desired model before making any decisions. 

As you may have guessed, each individual’s driving habits will have a significant impact on how much they pay in premiums. If you do not have an excellent driving record, or if you frequently speed or are involved in collisions then there’s no need to buy this particular vehicle because you won’t be able to afford the higher premiums associated with these types of drivers.


The Importance of Brand

Finding the right insurance is crucial to protecting your assets and those of your family. A car is, unfortunately, something that can be lost or damaged in an accident, so this is something to take seriously before getting behind the wheel of any car. 

This is why many new drivers are understandably nervous about insuring their cars, but this should never stop you from finding out what your company offers in terms of vehicle coverage – because no two companies offer the same level of service. 

The first step in determining if your brand of car is considered a sports car is by looking at the classification guidelines set by the American Association of Insurance Services (AAIS). 

The AAIS breaks down vehicles into four categories: Low-cost Cars, Standard Cars, Luxury Cars, and Sports Cars.

Sports cars are typically cheaper to insure

One of the most common misconceptions about sports cars is that they are all expensive to insure. This simply isn’t true, and you’ll find that many of these vehicles can be one of the more affordable options. Of course, this is largely contingent on what kind of car it is and how much it costs; but if you’re buying a sports car specifically to save money on insurance, then knowing what you’re looking for before buying can pay dividends in the long run.

Is it Worth Insuring as a Sports Car?

A sports car is typically more expensive to insure than an economy car because the premiums are often three times higher than an economy car. This is because sports cars are very expensive, and this generally means that accidents happen more often with them as well. 

Some sports cars do have good insurance rates available for drivers who live in rural areas, since these cars typically can’t travel at high speeds or distances in their speed limits. What’s considered a sports car will also depend on each state’s laws as well.

Do New Models Affect Your Rate?

There are five things to consider when buying new car insurance: your driving record, the make and model of the car you drive, age, where you live, and how much coverage you need. 

Newer models might increase or decrease the amount of money you will be paying in insurance; this is especially true if your car is fitted with features that come standard with newer cars. For example: automatic seat belts, air bags, anti-lock brakes and other safety features.


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