Why Do Girls Sit on the Dryer? 5 Possible Reasons

Why Do Girls Sit on the Dryer? 5 Possible Reasons


While sitting on the dryer may seem like an odd activity to some, it’s actually not uncommon at all to see girls casually hopping up there as they do their laundry. In fact, many people have probably seen this without even thinking twice about it or asking why girls sit on the dryer in the first place. If you’re curious about what draws them in, read on to learn more about 5 possible reasons girls sit on the dryer, and don’t forget to leave your own thoughts in the comments section below!


1) Because you can

It’s one of life’s most simple pleasures. Plus, it makes your jeans look super cool. Even if you don’t own a dryer, you can still rock it as long as you’re near an outlet and have access to a few pillows. If you really want to give your denim a killer look, try folding up an old t-shirt and putting that between your body and the dryer.

2) Because it’s comfortable

Just like relaxing in your favorite chair at home, sitting on a dryer can make you feel comfortable and relaxed. It may even bring back childhood memories of spending time with your friends while putting laundry in or taking it out of a machine. Remember how long those Saturday mornings felt when you were growing up? Sitting on a dryer can make you want to take a step back and enjoy yourself!


3) To avoid wrinkles

Girls sit on dryers to avoid wrinkles because they’re pressed for time. Why spend hours ironing when you can just hop on a dryer for a few minutes and then wear your clothes immediately after? This is especially useful for skirts, dresses, and other garments that are prone to wrinkling. To get their hair done: Some girls like to get their hair done at the same time as their clothes—and sitting on a dryer makes it easier for them to keep track of their hairstyle throughout drying.

4) Because it’s fun

Anyone who has sat on a dryer knows how much fun it is. You can practically bounce around in there! Everyone should try it. Especially those without kids. Because you could fit more: Some women claim that if you use your clothes basket as a seat, you’ll be able to fit more in there. We don’t know how it works, but we haven’t seen any other explanation for why anyone would do that.

5)It is weird

Some girls may choose to sit on a dryer because it is an odd place and people might wonder why they are sitting there. Some girls may find that sitting in an unusual spot makes them feel more original than everyone else. If a girl finds herself sitting on a dryer when others around her are not, she may think of herself as special or unique.


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