Foaming at the mouth before death – what causes it and how to prevent it

Foaming at the mouth before death - what causes it and how to prevent it


Foaming at the mouth before death can be caused by multiple factors, including cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. In this article, you will find out how to prevent this from happening and also learn what causes foaming at the mouth before death in dogs, as well as other species of animals.


What is foaming of the mouth?

Foaming at the mouth is a symptom of rabies, but this symptom can also be caused by other diseases. Foamed saliva is a sign that your pet has an illness, but it’s not always possible to tell which illness this is. If your pet foams at the mouth, you should take them to a vet as soon as possible. Some common reasons for foaming at the mouth are diabetes, liver disease or tooth infection. 

It is worth mentioning that some people think rabies can only be transmitted through bites, but actually there are other ways: so-called dripping jaws – when saliva drips from their mouths because they have trouble swallowing because of brain injury or dehydration and there may also be infected wounds on the animal’s skin.


What are its symptoms?

Although foaming at the mouth is more commonly associated with rabies, other health conditions such as heart failure or brain injury can also cause this symptom. It is important for pet owners to be aware of any potential symptoms in order to seek prompt treatment from a veterinarian if they are present. Foaming at the mouth can cause pets distress, making them difficult to handle and hindering them from eating. If you notice your pet having difficulty breathing or foaming excessively, it is important that you contact your veterinarian immediately.

What are some possible causes?

-Hyperventilation: Hyperventilation causes an overproduction of carbon dioxide, which leads to a decrease in oxygen in the blood. With less oxygen, your dog may start foaming at the mouth. Over-exertion during exercise can lead to hyperventilation as well, which will also cause foaming at the mouth. 

-Sudden shock: Sudden shock can be caused by injuries or fear and can result in your dog having trouble breathing. This will then lead to foam coming out of their mouths due to a lack of moisture in their throat or because they are trying to breathe through their mouths instead of noses. 

-Diseases: There are many diseases that could cause your dog’s symptoms, like hypoglycemia, diabetes or even cancer.

Treatment & Prevention

Causes of foaming at the mouth before death include rabies, tetanus, asphyxiation, poisoning by inhaled gases or ingested acids, heart attack. If you think someone is foaming at the mouth due to these reasons, call 911 immediately. If not, there are a few things you can do.


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