If you have money stuck in your Netspend account, but no way to access it with the card you originally used, you may be wondering what options are available to you. As it turns out, there are a few ways that you can get your money off of your Netspend account without the card, including using one of the following options.
1) Sign Up For Another Debit Card
If you don’t have another Netspend card, sign up for one online. You can add it as a secondary card to your primary account. Log in to your existing Netspend account and select Add Debit Card. From there, complete all of the steps required for adding a new card, including inputting any necessary details like name and address information. As long as you have enough money in your account, your new debit card will arrive in about three weeks (or less).
2) Set up an Automatic Transfer
In order to get money into your account when you don’t have physical access to your card, you can set up an automatic transfer. This means that once per month, any money in another bank account or paycheck will be immediately deposited into your account. For example, if you have $400 left over after paying bills every month and want it going straight towards your credit card debt instead of into savings, you could schedule an automatic $400 transfer from checking every month.
3) Start A Savings Plan
Make it easy on yourself: Make a small, regular transfer from your checking account into your savings account. There are apps out there that allow you do it automatically each month—just tell them how much you want to save and when, and they’ll handle everything. If there’s something you can’t live without, set up an automatic transfer for that too—it won’t take long before you start building up significant savings!